It's been a common assumption that to start your own private labeling business on Amazon, you're going to incur a large startup cost. This is quite the contrary and I'm going to debunk that myth for you.
In today's episode, I share with you how to find products that can kick off your Amazon private labeling career. The products I will be sharing with you can be acquired for around $100 or less. With this episode, you'll learn that starting your first private labeling business doesn't have to be expensive!
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People always ask how I’m private labeling multiple products at once without spending tons of money. You’re going to be learning how you can also private label products yourself in this episode.
I will share with you how you can test ten private label products at once.
Each product will cost no more than $100 for your initial batch.
Step one: When you’re looking to start a successful business, you have to validate your idea. This means that you want to see sales before you invest large amounts of money into the business.
You should never skip the validation phase, especially if you’re just starting out.
Wouldn’t you want to know the product you’re private labeling will sell instead of waiting three or months to make your first sale?
You don't have to launch ten products at once, but rather you can start with one or two products. It comes down to how comfortable you feel. If you feel comfortable launching ten products, go for it.
I will be sharing with you the exact plan I used to kick off my private labeling career.
My first import was a validation. I imported dominos and started off with a small order of 40 and within a week I already made 5 sales and the rest sold within the month.

You want to find products that look as though they will sell. You want to use software such as jungle scout. Find products that are generating tons of revenue right now. You’ll want to check the competition to make sure there’s room for an individual seller like yourself.

Step two: Make sure the product your importing won’t be a hassle. You don’t want to be importing health products or electronics but rather plastic, metal, or wooden products. Essentially, small and light products.
Step three: Find a supplier that will allow you a low minimum order quantity. On a site like, Alibaba they generally have high order quantities but there are ways to get small order quantities.
You can search on Alibaba to find a product that will add value. From there, you’ll contact a supplier. You’ll want to make it seem as though you’re really interested in working with them. Make it seem as if you’re part of a bigger organization than just working for yourself. This will allow the supplier to take you more serious.
Start off asking how much a large quantity is with your supplier. From here, you can introduce the idea of telling your supplier that your company starts with small order quantities first.
If your supplier still won’t budge on the order quantity, you can go to Aliexpress that allows you to order a single item at a time. You can look for products similar to the product you wish to private label. Most of the time, the product you’re looking to purchase includes free shipping.
You won’t find products as cheap as Alibaba, but you’re not looking to make money at this stage. You’re looking to validate your product.
Another site you can use is dhgate. It’s in between Alibaba and Aliexpress. It’s more of a wholesaler website.
Always message the suppliers to see if you can get a better price or faster shipping.

Step four: Get your small quantity of stock shipped over from where they’re located to your country. You will want to ask your supplier their rates on Express shipping. You’ll be able to get your items within 3-5 days.
Step five: Ship your products into your Amazon account. If you’re looking to get tutorial into how to ship your products into Amazon, just go to: info.ecommercefreedom.com/faststartguide
Now you will have Amazon products in your account.
Once the products are live in your account, you can let the validation process begin.
You’ll want to encourage your product to sell.
The best way to make your product visible is to create a sponsored ad. This allows your product to get placed on the first page. You can spend whatever you feel comfortable with.
If you run your ads for two weeks and your product isn’t getting sales, you can validate that you don’t want to invest more money in the product.

But what if the product is making sales? Then you know you can invest more money into the product.
That’s how you be able to tell if your product is worth private labeling.
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